The languages files must be created inside the "editor/lang" directory of the project. You can use the file en.js as the base file for your translations. The file names respect the RFC 3066 standards (but in lowercase). So, for example, a file for the Portuguese language should be called pt.js.
Translation could also be localized for a specific country. In this case, for example, a Brazilian Portuguese translation file should be called pt-br.js.
The clients language auto detection system uses the first available language that best fits the client settings. For example, if a client computer is set to Brazilian Portuguese and there is no pt-br.js file available, the pt.js is used if available. If not, the default language is used (from the configuration file).
When creating new language files, you need to add an entry for it in the
"edit/lang/fcklanguagemanager.js" file. Something like this:
FCKLanguageManager.AvailableLanguages =
en : 'English',
pt : 'Portuguese'
An important thing is to save the files in a UTF-8 encoded format. In other case, some strange characters could appear instead of some special chars, like accented letters, symbols, etc.
All translated files must be sent by e-mail to as well as published in our "Patches Tracker" on Sourceforge for availability to other users.
Before starting a new translation, please take a look at our web site ( and check if there is no translator assigned to your language. It is a good practice to contact FredCK (using the same address) asking if the translation was not yet started by another person.